You’re filled with angst. You’re afraid. You watch the news every night and you’re worried that the worst case scenario shown on the screen will happen to you.
What if you move to Los Angeles and end up homeless on the side of the road? What if you’re robbed? What if you don’t make any friends? What if you don’t achieve the success you envision? What is you made the wrong choice?
Well, the truth is, all of the above ARE options for your life. The worst of the worst COULD happen and guess what- you’ll pick yourself up and keep moving.
There are plenty of teachers out there who wish to ignore the fact that unpleasant situations happen but the truth is, they do. We don’t always hit home runs on the first try. We don’t always sail smoothly through life. The best navigators of our existence are the ones who can hit a bump, brush it off and keep moving.
You don’t have to be 100% positive all of the time. In fact, you shouldn’t be. The only thing you should be certain of is the fact that things will probably NOT go exactly as you plan them but everything and I do mean EVERYTHING that happens will benefit you if you realize that you can benefit instead of feeling like a victim.
Things won’t go exactly the way you plan them but you CAN benefit from everything that happens.
Make plans, but be open to the adventure.
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